
Saturday, April 28, 2007

Forum Pick of The Month

Since launching this blog I need hardly tell you my surfing patterns have had to adapt to the job of finding the information needed to digest the subprime crisis and all things 'bubblenomic.' It's certainly become a dizzying learning experience (whether a successful one will be up to the judgement of others). It seems a worthwhile endeavour in any case to share the sources I am coming across and with that end I will try to present one source that I've found particularly rich each month.

This month I am calling your attention to the iTulip Forums which appear on the website of the company of the same name founded by Eric Janszen, co-author with David Wiedemer, Robert Wiedemer and Cindy Spitzer, of America's Bubble Economy: Profit When It Pops. Although there is a premium area of this forum, there is plenty to be had from the free area, including regular commentary by Jansen, and additionally by the respected Investment Analyst & Portfolio Strategist, John Serrapere; Sean O'Toole of Granite Realty; Eric Hodges of Stahlschmidt Financial Group and many other writers with something valuable to say.

As of this writing the Forums have had 6,911,843 visitors since Jan 1999.

(I have no connection with iTulip other than as a public user, but I have added an Amazon link to the book mentioned above).